Disclaimer (PROTOTYPE)

This is a prototype. As such, nothing in the gameplay or art is final (the art is all temporary). I am actively looking for people to playtest this game and leave me feedback. Please feel free to leave any feedback in the comments below, I greatly appreciate it :)


Live, Die, Escape is a room based puzzle game in which you are attempting to escape a prison. You must venture room to room, finding the keys and items to progress through the level, while avoiding the guards and other obstacles. Each death, you have the option to randomly change your stats, depending on how many stat points you have collected during your life.

How To Play

The game is pretty simple in its current state. There are 3 rooms. Touching the green square in the last room is how you win. Lasers deal damage, and the key is needed to unlock the red door. Each death, all of your stats decrease by one. The blue stars are stat boosters, which give you 3 stat points each. You also start with 3 stat points. If you get touched by the guard you will be sent back to the first room, but will not have anything else done to you. Walk over the items to pick them up, you can only hold one at a time.

WASD - Move

X - Drop Item

E - Interact (Control point only)

Esc - Pause game

Development log

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